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    Join the Straw-Volution!

    The nasty truth behind plastic pollution is that still not enough is being done to really fix the problem. As a private individual, you can already switch to more sustainable solutions as an alternative to disposable products made of (bio) plastic. As a loner you don't immediately make a difference, but what if your favorite bar, restaurant or retail chain finds out about it? That really makes an impact. So make sure that you, your friends, and your favorite brands and companies also join our Straw-Volution®! Convince everyone to choose the most sustainable solution.

    The world has changed dramatically in recent months as a result of COVID-19, and there has been no return to normal even after it has been curtailed. The message about the need for system change and creating a more sustainable and just world is more important than ever. StrawZ has joined the "The Break Free From Plastic" movement and calls on everyone to do what they can to ensure that vulnerable communities are protected, real solutions to the plastic pollution crisis are deployed, and that businesses and governments are held accountable.
    StrawZ started at the end of 2018 with the mission "Reducing the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry". We initially started with the introduction of our Hay! Straws® in Europe. A sustainable, 100% compostable and organic alternative to plastic, PLA, biobased and paper straws. Our straws are just the first attempt to make the hospitality industry more sustainable, we are working on our next projects: ecological and organic coffee cups and cutlery. But more is definitely going to happen!

    At StrawZ we hate pointing fingers, but muddling on and doing nothing is no longer an option. So think green, act green. But then with feasible ambitions if possible.

    Exactly. Get rid of that (bio) plastic, paper or cheap ass wheat or reed straw which is produced in a non-fair and ethical way. And presto! A wheat or reed straw from StrawZ in that glass, can or bottle. That is ethical and sustainable entrepreneurship with impact. Not only looks much better, it also feels and drinks much better. Do you bet your customers will love such a green finger print?

    Since our start, many companies and organizations have joined our movement to reduce the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry. We use our income for the development of new sustainable products to further reduce plastic use, for example. Don't see it as paying for a straw, but contributing to a better future for yourself, your kids and others. Is that straw still so expensive with that in mind?

    No of course not, so just join the Straw-Volution® just like all those other did! Just do it! And if you share a picture of you and your wheat straw on our Instagram you'll get a nice spot in this honorary gallery as well.
    StrawZ started at the end of 2018 with the mission "Reducing the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry". We initially started with the introduction of our Hay! Straws® in Europe. A sustainable, 100% compostable and organic alternative to plastic, PLA, biobased and paper straws. Our straws are just the first attempt to make the hospitality industry more sustainable, we are working on our next projects: ecological and organic coffee cups and cutlery. But more is definitely going to happen!

    At StrawZ we hate pointing fingers, but muddling on and doing nothing is no longer an option. So think green, act green. But then with feasible ambitions if possible.

    Exactly. Get rid of that (bio) plastic, paper or cheap ass wheat or reed straw which is produced in a non-fair and ethical way. And presto! A wheat or reed straw from StrawZ in that glass, can or bottle. That is ethical and sustainable entrepreneurship with impact. Not only looks much better, it also feels and drinks much better. Do you bet your customers will love such a green finger print?

    Since our start, many companies and organizations have joined our movement to reduce the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry. We use our income for the development of new sustainable products to further reduce plastic use, for example. Don't see it as paying for a straw, but contributing to a better future for yourself, your kids and others. Is that straw still so expensive with that in mind?

    No of course not, so just join the Straw-Volution® just like all those other did! Just do it! And if you share a picture of you and your wheat straw on our Instagram you'll get a nice spot in this honorary gallery as well.