Our Reed Straws, Biological and Sustainable straws
Sustainable reed straws from StrawZ
Disposable (bio)-plastics are posing a serious threat to our planet. Thanks to famous images of cluttered coastlines and suffering sea life, we’re all now understanding this fact – and it’s about time, too.
If we go on like this, by 2050, there will probably be more plastic than fish swimming in our oceans... And we certainly don't want that, do we?
According to a 2017 study, Europeans use 36 billion disposable straws annually. In the US, that number rises to half a billion straws used every day. Given these enormous quantities, there should be no surprise that straws are ending up in places they shouldn’t be.
Fortunately, governments are now starting to act. A ban on single-use plastics will take effect across Europe from July 3, 2021. The ban targets straws, cotton buds and disposable cutlery, among other disposable plastic products.
That's why our HAY! Straws® are made of 100% natural materials. They are 100% biodegradable, which means they won’t linger in landfills, polluting our land or oceans.
Our straws are similar in feel and function to the plastic straws we’ve all become so accustomed to. But without the toxins and the damaging footprint on our earth. Unlike paper drinking straws, HAY! Straws® are made from a renewable source, they are gluten free and best of all, they don’t get soggy!
Our reed straws are made out of 100% reed, 100% natural and biological. Once harvested, we cut the stems into our premium environmentally friendly straws. That sips well!

Naturally. Gluten free
Our reed straws are made from reed and nothing more than that. Our reed straws are tested allergen free and also tested gluten free. Because of this they fit seamlessly into a gluten free diet as well!

100% compostable in 42 days
HAY! Straws® are 100% natural and fully compostable. Ours drinking straws and packaging are completely plastic free. After use, simply throw these reed straws with the vegetable, fruit and garden waste.
Recent study by an independent research facility revealed our straws compost within 42 days! That is really sustainable entrepreneurship, isn't it?

USDA and EU certified
Our reed straws are all 100% natural, biobased and fully compostable. We like to underline this with facts. Last year the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has fully recognised the natural origin of our sustainable straws. That's why we have been awarded with the label 100% biobased!
And recently we passed the EU migration test (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011). This makes us fully EU and USDA certified. Our reed straws are also ISO22000 certified.

Hand selected wheat stems
After the reed has been harvested it's being transported to our facilities. There the stems are being thoroughly checked and only the best stems are exclusively hand-selected for HAY! Straws®. The result is a premium natural reed straw characterised by the very highest quality standards.

Food safety
Food safety is a must. That is why we only use non-genetically modified crops and raw materials for our reed straws. Our drinking straws are GMO-free, and produced on the basis of the FDA Food Contact Safety Guidelines in our own facilities.
The production management team uphold the highest standards of occupational health and safety, and humane work hours and wages are enforced. The facilities are independently audited to make sure the highest quality and ethical standards are being met.

Ethically Sourced and Produced
We prefer to source our reed stems from small, local farmers in Eastern Europe and South East Asia. Purchasing the reed stems from these small farmers offers an additional income and provides work in rural communities.
We like to give them the opportunity to benefit from sustainable reed production. The less residual waste, the better. We have a sustainable reed straw, they are provided with a fair financial compensation. Win-win!

Our reed straws do not contain any glyphosate (RoundUp). To ensure the safety of our drinking straws, they are continuously tested in batches for more than 500 chemical residues. All these tests show that our straws meet all food safety standards.

Minimal processing
Unlike paper and bio-plastic straws that have been pulverized with chemicals, HAY! Straws® are 100% pure nature. After harvesting, the reed stems are cut to length, rinsed thoroughly in sterile water to remove dirt and bacteria.
Then the natural reed straws are dried through a commercial, food grade drying system to dry and sterilize the straws. Chemicals are never used or added. The result is a premium sustainable reed straw.

Eco-packaging and FSC® paper
After being processed our reed straws are carefully checked for quality. Then hand-packed into our unbleached kraft boxes, adding the final plastic-free packaging touch.
Our kraft boxes are printed with soy-based inks. All our communication materials are printed on sustainable recycled and FSC®-certified paper. Of course, we deliver our straws in a plastic-free packaging. Unlike others, we do not want to burden our customers with bioplastic waste ;-)